Vehicle unlocks
If you have locked your keys in your car, Weatherford College Peace officers are trained to unlock vehicles. There is no charge for this service. Campus police will make every effort to unlock your vehicle successfully. To request this service, call 817-598-6316. If busy or no answer, call the on duty mobile at 817-771-3535 and an officer will return your call promptly.
Vehicle Boosts
If you cannot get your car to start, and you are on Weatherford College property, W.C.P.D. officers will give you a jump start free of charge. To request this service, call 817-598-6316. If busy or no answer, call the on duty mobile at 817-771-3535.
If you feel uncomfortable walking anywhere on campus, day or night, the W.C.P.D offers escorts to Faculty, Students, and Visitors. For an escort call 817-771-3535.